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Importance of SEO

importance of seo

Importance of SEO to websites

Since the advent of internet marketing, search engine optimization has never been this pronounced. It is very important for every webmaster to understand the concept of SEO and its importance in the ranking of websites. In this blog post, you will get to know the real meaning of SEO and its inherent benefits to your brand.

What is SEO?

SEO or search engine optimization is a guideline that website owners, blog owners, and internet entrepreneurs can implement in order for the websites to be visible on search engines.  In other words, SEO is considered as a framework due to the fact that its processes have several rules, stages, and guidelines to follow.

Any webmaster that implements SEO to the latter will have his/her ranking greatly improved. In addition, implementing SEO to your website is a great way of making your website faster, user-friendly, and easy to navigate.

Why is SEO Important?

The market is currently competitive, hence the need for SEO marketing. Search engines such as Google and Yahoo are always on the lookout for solutions to several problems posted by internet users. The following are some of the benefits of search engine optimization;

#1 Optimal User Experience

SEO is ultimately about providing the user with the friendliest, fastest, best experience possible. A search engine wants to provide the user with what they are looking for, and when it can do that, both parties are happy. A happy visitor will become a returning visitor.

#2 Optimal Reach

People unconsciously trust search engine results. If Google places M’s Dinner in the top spot of a search, then it must have earned that place and it must be good. The user then tells all his friends on Facebook and Twitter that he’s going to M’s Dinner and he invites them, leaving the link for them to click as well. The laws of multiplication can work pretty fast, and before you know it, a dozen hungry teens show up at M’s Dinner! Why? Because the search engine matched everything perfectly, and it all pointed to M’s Dinner.

#3 Optimal Potential for Conversion

Internet marketing, including SEO, attracts people who are already looking for your product or service. You don’t have to scream, dance, or wear cool clothes to gain an audience; they are already convinced of their need which is why they went searching in the first place. No bold print ad placed front and center on the magazine page is required. You just have to present yourself in one of those top 5 results and – voila! They were looking for you and you showed up right on time! You still have to convince them that you are the better company to purchase from, but half the battle is over. Once they come to your website, if you have invested the same tedious work to optimize the user’s experience with you by providing the content they seek, then you are well on your way to gaining a new customer.

#4 Optimal Insight into Your Customers

If your website is properly optimized, it will increase your search engine visibility, usability, and credibility, all of which increase traffic to your site. Now that you are enjoying higher numbers of visitors, Google Analytics (which every website should have set up) can track valuable information about your visitors. Find out what browser they use, what keywords, the technology they use, their geographical location, the days and times they are most active, how much time they spent on a page…on and on. This information will help you discover your target market, hone your advertising, and determine strategies based on facts rather than just educated guesses. The better you know your customers, the better product or service you can provide, the higher the ROI. The Difference between

SEO and Internet Marketing

Several internet marketers often ask this question on a daily basis. The answer to this question is pretty simple. Search engine optimization is basically one of the tools in your Internet Marketing arsenal.

SEO is not entirely internet marketing, but it is a part of your overall internet marketing campaign. Other internet marketing campaigns are content strategy and social media promotion, among others.


Search engine optimization or SEO is a tool to leverage on in order to make your website more visible and also improve your website ranking. Implementing SEO is important because it will drive more traffic to your website, online store, and blog. Therefore your website will gain more reputation which will inadvertently boost your sales.

If you have an online store, blog or a website, we can help you implement SEO.  At Axis IT Solutions, we will leave no stone unturned to ensure that your website ranks high on search engines.